
Genetic Excellence - Better than gold


Our Sires




 We're serious about genetics... We could say so much more, but that's really the bottom line. We're focused on genetics. Legendary genetics. Old genetics. Current genetics. Blended genetics. Genetics that will create new, original bloodlines. Our sires are chosen to accomplish our goal - current, blended, and original bloodlines. It’s what makes us “the home of the originals.”


Several of our sires are noted as “Legendary Sire,” and for good reason. Those who earn the “Legendary Sire” title are historic sires from Largent & Sons, elite sires who met their stringent standards, sires who left a significant mark on the breed that was meticulously developed during an 18-year period of strict breeding and culling, the breed that today is known as, “Mini Herefords.”


Legendary LS Mt Rock

Perhaps you don’t recognize the LS line. If not, LS is Largent & Sons, credited as the founder of Mini Herefords. They spent nearly 20 years developing the breed before they sold their first Mini Hereford. Along with Mt Nugget 13, Mt Rock has played a key role in the formation of the Mini Hereford breed as he brings old bloodlines that, when blended with current and recent past champions, creates the potential for new champions to emerge from your herd. We’re excited to create embryos and calves using our limited supply of Mt Rock because we want you to have access to what could be the next Denver Stock Show champion!



LS Mt Rock Pedigree


If you study pedigrees, this one will certainly intrigue you. Careful linebreeding by Largent & Sons created this legend who ranks near the top of their list of legends, surpassed in the mind of Roy Largent only by Mt Oak 6150 (below).


Legendary LS Mt Nugget 13

If you look back in the early Mini Hereford pedigrees, you’ll frequently find Mt Nugget 13, a “00” frame score (max. 44”) sire. Interestingly, every non-LS bull on our sire page can be traced back to Mt Nugget 13. For us, it only seemed logical that such a great sire of the past, the backbone of Mini Hereford champions, should be utilized for creating future generations of Mini Herefords. With a limited amount of semen available from a frame score “00”, we intend to use it very selectively in order to provide you with access to bloodlines of the distant past (early 1990’s) blended with current bloodlines that clearly have the potential for you to create champions for the future.



Mt Nugget 13 Pedigree


Mt Nugget 13 has the unique characteristic of be 1 of only 2 AI permitted sires of LS Gold Nugget’s 70+ registered sires. Although 57 sires were registered, MB Martin Luther (below), the son of Nugget 13, is the only AI permitted sire. As is evident, Nugget 13 semen is incredibly valuable due to the limited amount of semen collected from sons of his father, LS Gold Nugget.


Legendary LS Mt Oak 6150

Perhaps you’re wondering where Mt Oak 6150 fits into Largent & Sons history. Mt Oak 6150, a frame score “000” (max = 42”) produced more Mini Hereford offspring than any other bull prior to the year 2000 and perhaps more than any other bull in Mini Hereford history. “Toughy,” as he was nicknamed, sired 157 registered, natural (no AI ) calves with 80% of his offspring being heifers! Mt Oak is classified as “In Herd AI Permitted.” Providence Ranch can create embryos and natural calves, but all of his offspring must be registered at Providence Ranch and no semen can be sold to produce registered animals. With Mt Oak’s impressive background in the production of outstanding Mini Herefords, we’re excited to have access to his semen and to use it to create what we love to create most - original and blended bloodlines that will enable you to carry forward the quality of the Mini Hereford line.



LS Mt Oak 6150 Pedigree


A son of Mt Rock. Need we say more? His grandfather also happens to be LS Gold Nugget, the sire of Mt Nugget 13 (above). Check out his great-grandfather, who is LS Real Mt 3 on both sire and dam sides! That’s what we call meticulous, focused, trait-driven breeding.


Legendary LS Mt Oak 5340

A son of LS Mt Rock - That's a good place to start considering Mt Rock was the most widely used bull at the Largent ranch. He's also a brother to LS Mt Oak 6150 noted above. Fourteen months older than his brother, 5340 didn't always receive the acclaim he deserved because his younger brother, "the king" was front and center on the Largent ranch. Yet, 5340, nicknamed “Max,” definitely left his mark. Known as a "0000" frame score (max=39”) bull, he has the ability to downsize Mini Herefords, to bring those that have grown a bit larger back into the herd of "Trumins," true Mini Herefords. We call them "Trumins" as a reminder that what Largent produced and what we now produce through this vintage semen is destined to carry forward the Largent dream. Whether 5340, 6150, Mt Rock, or Nugget 13, their offspring are a constant reminder of the origins of what we still know today as "mini" herefords.



Mt Oak 5340 Pedigree


With familiar names like MT Rock, Mt Nugget 13, and Real Mt 3, is tough to over look Mt Oak 5340. Being a “0000” sire, one of a very limited number of sires today, gives us even more reason to match his pedigree with other unique pedigrees to create what we enjoy - unique, predictable, outstanding offspring.


Legendary LS Mt Sun Spot J403

The mating of two different bloodlines - Although Largent did a great deal of close mating to advance specific traits and cull less desirable traits for the sake of creating predictable consistency, there were times when he crossed two different bloodlines. Sun Spot J403 is one of those times. It’s interesting to note that his sire, LS Mt Spot 5, born in 1992, already had calves on the ground in 1994. But, for whatever unknown reason, that was the only year a calf was registered out of his sire. With Sun Spot J403 being the only sire that is AI permitted, we have plans to use his semen cautiously realizing there aren’t other opportunities to obtain his bloodline. J403 offers us a unique bloodline that we can use to enhance some of our current bloodlines giving you more opportunity to add excellence to your herd.



Mt Sun Spot J403 Pedigree


Gold Nugget, the grandfather of Sun Spot J403 is the sire of Mt Nugget 13, one of our other legends noted above. LS Real Mt 3 may seem too far back to have an impact, yet when he is sire of both grandfather and grandmother on the same side, his impact becomes noteworthy.


Legendary LS Gold Dust 850

Gold Dust carries forward the traits of the previous legendary greats. Sired by LS Mt Prince, Gold Dust is a grandson of Nugget 13 and Sun Spot J403, 2 of our older legendary sires. With 27 registered offspring between 2000 - 2004, 20 being heifers, Gold Dust demonstrates that meticulous breeding does create consistency, that with careful mating, you can create offspring that will predictably carry the traits forward of the previous generation. That’s one of the hallmarks of Largent & Sons. They spent decades breeding the best to the best in order to create a consistency in their offspring that has been unmatched by any other breeder since. Cookie cutter is great when it produces great, great, and more great repeatedly. Repetitious consistency. It’s one of, if not the most sought after trait among breeders whose focus is on predictable excellence.



Gold Dust 850 Pedigree


As you look at his pedigree, you’ll notice that the grandfathers of Gold Dust are 2 of our Legendary Sires, Mt Nugget 13, and Mt Sun Spot J403. If you study more carefully, you’ll learn that the sire of Gold Dust, LS Mt Prince is the result of a meticulous Largent mating of half brother and half sister to enhance the Gold Nugget bloodline and its most desirable traits.


Legendary LS D Mountain 13

The “D” in LS D Mountain 13 denoted a separate bloodline. Largent had over 18 different bloodlines at one time. Imagine trying to keep track of mating plans with that many bloodlines! But Largent was meticulous in his breeding and it proved to be a great asset to Mini Herefords. Mountain 13, born in 1989, is a grandson of the highly acclaimed LS Real Mt 3. If you do a bit of math, you’ll realize that Mountain 13 was first used as a rather young bull. His first registered calves were already on the ground in February of 1992. He sired 57 registered offspring between 1992-1998, and now one Providence Ranch heifer calf, PRV Miss Silver Mt G221, in 2019. Quite a gap, wouldn’t you say? We agree. That gap was made possible by using semen acquired from Largent & Sons and mating our LS Star Sapphire cow to D Mountain 13. 20+ years later, that heifer is already showing great potential and, needless to say, we have big plans for D Mountain 13’s most recent offspring!



D Mountain 13 Pedigree


If you look at the list of registered offspring of D Mountain 13, you’ll notice that he became the sire of the “Silver Mt” bloodline as the majority of his offspring carry the Silver Mt name. It was Largent’s method of keeping bloodlines straight and easy to identify.


MB Martin Luther

Maybe he hasn’t been a recent National Western Stock Show champion, but don’t let that stop you from reading. MB Martin Luther is a son of LS Mt Nugget 13, the backbone of Mini Hereford champions. As near as we know, he is also the only son of Mt Nugget 13 from which semen was collected for sale. Beyond that, Luther offers some very unique traits. He stands 41” tall making him a great bull for down-sizing. He also has a proven history of producing 80% heifers! Try to find another bull that carries that trait. Luther is also known for producing small birth weight calves (30# average) making him an excellent heifer bull. Eighty percent heifers, ability to down-size, and a son of the backbone of Mini Hereford champions - that’s an impressive set of credentials, credentials that could be just what your herd needs.



Martin Luther Pedigree


His name may not begin with “LS” but it easily could have considering he’s a son of Mt Nugget 13. Notice that both his sire and grand sire are Mt Nugget 13, increasing the genetic impact of this great sire. Although Martin Luther doesn’t qualify as a “Legendary Sire,” merely by name, he’s clearly part of that elite bloodline.


PRV Vikings Conquest ET

Windi x Viking - That’s a great place to start. If you know Windi and Viking, you know the rest of the story. Maybe not the whole story, but you have a pretty good idea. Windi was surely one of the recent greats as a flush cow with numerous offspring that have left their mark. Viking, of course, has his own story with his acclaim as a son of King Henry and his own acclaim. Of the bulls we had who were also brothers to several of our dams, Conquest stood out in his younger days and has developed even more impressive traits with age. Conquest gives us options and, as you know, we like options because they give us the opportunity to create very specific matings that carry forward the most desirable traits.



Vikings Conquest Pedigree


If you follow Mini Hereford history, you will readily recognize several names in this pedigree, names that are associated with champions. These are the recent greats surpassed only by the original Largent & Sons greats, many of whom are noted above and have rightfully received the Legendary Sire title.


TAC Striker JB2 ET

Maybe you’re thinking, “TAC Striker, I know the name, but where?” We’ll help you out. Striker was Grand Champion sire at the National Western Stock Show in 2014, one year before SS Turtle (below) took the stage back to back years in 2015 & 2016. If you believe, as we do, that past champions have the potential to create future champions, Striker blended with our top-notch dams will offer you the potential to prove what has already been proven in the Mini Hereford world - that former champion genetics can and do produce champions in the future. We’re delighted to include Striker in our listing of semen sires and are seeing great calves from this champion of the recent past.



TAC Striker Pedigree


The Legendary LS line can be found in generation 3 of Striker’s pedigree half of the time. Beyond that, check out his grandfather on the sire side - KAP Silver Sampson. Surely, that will ring a bell if you’re familiar with minis originating from KAP as Silver Sampson, a prominent son of King Henry, carries his own acclaim.


D K Nash ET

D K Nash fits with our plans because he offers some unique variety that we can mate with our variety to create blended and original bloodlines which is what we love to do. D K Nash does carry some KAP, but on the dam side, you’ll find, as you look at his pedigree, names that are not so common, names that allow us to introduce even more variety. Don’t recognize D K Nash? He was Grand Champion bull at the Iowa State Fair in 2013 and the Reserve Champion Senior Bull at the American Royal in 2013. He carries his own distinguished background that we intend to utilize to its fullest. With our all-star line up of dams, we know he will continue to put great calves on the ground with a whole lot of red - his signature trait.



D K Nash Pedigree


Among our sires, Nash carries a unique pedigree, one that has only a limited amount of “LS” and King Henry as grandfather. But that uniqueness within his pedigree creates opportunities when you have a great lineup of dam options. It will be interesting to see what Nash continues to put on the ground.


SS Turtle

Sprinkled with some LS and TC along with other sires and dams less familiar to most at the moment, SS Turtle, a polled Mini Hereford, was named the Grand Champion Bull at the National Western Stock Show in 2015 and 2016. Being named a champion two years in a row and carrying some old generation bloodlines, SS Turtle already carries what we view as a blended bloodline. However, crossing a blended line with other early generation bloodlines, plus adding the polled gene to the mix, once again creates that potential for new, original bloodlines, those bloodlines that really bring smiles to our faces.



SS Turtle Pedigree


SS Turtle carries a unique pedigree. Although most of the sires and dams are less familiar names, SS Turtle demonstrates that less common genetics can produce champions. All it takes is the right genetics, sometimes by accident, other times through diligent breeding, to bring about future greats.
